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Re: Programmers requested for dictionary

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Saturday, October 28, 2000, 6:47
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, David Stokes wrote:

> I looked at Kura ( From the > web site it looks like a nice program. I would like to contribute to that, > if that is the way members of the list want ot go. It seems like a good > idea to me. If a number of us contribute to a single project the work > should go much faster. And it looks like Boudewijn Rempt has done a lot of > good work already. Of course, I'd have to learn Python, (I had been > thinking of using perl), but thats probably good for me. >
Python is quite easy, I think you can learn it just by reading the sources of Kura ;-). For some resources, go to Or read what Eric Raymond has to say on it: You're very welcome to come & help out with Kura. There's still lots to do - functionality like smart extensible morphological parsers, query functionality in the web-server or a better gui for analyzing texts. Presentation templates, better import functionality... One of the pieces that more or less finished is the underlying database layer: that has just been released as 1.0. The trouble with these kinds of projects is always that you seem to spend more time on basic infrastructure and building blocks than on the really interesting bits, like lexeme matching algorithms.
> I'm not really a serious programer myself. I know some C and C++, and I've > been learning perl. But in my experience, once you know some basic > programing concept, the best way to learn is to jump in and start working > on something. You can make inprovements later as you learn more. >
Exactly. Boudewijn Rempt |