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Re: A Lang family ...

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 31, 2001, 4:03
Am 07/30 09:02  Aidan Grey yscrifef:

> Would anyone else be interested in working together > to create a language family? My idea is that I would > supply the archaic language's details, and then each > person could create the sound changes and such that go > into a sister lang. We could agree on certain features > in the parent lang, and on a location in a (real or > imagined) world so that borrowing from nearby cultures > could take place. It would be very cool to have a > whole language family! > > Any takers? >
Oh yes! I so much want to participate in this project! It's an idea that just waiting to happen. We even get a classical language for scholarly loans! :) - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus alias Mungo Foxburr of Loamsdown