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Re: A New Conlang For Your Consideration

From:John Quijada <jq_ithkuil@...>
Date:Saturday, January 24, 2004, 18:29
Rhiemeier wrote:

>This is amazingly complex, on a par with Rick Morneau's >_Lexical Semantics_. The script looks a bit like Klingon drawn >with a ruler.
Yes, the superficial resemblance to Klingon is intentional. I've always loved the look of Klingon piqaD but always hated the fact that it was used by everyone as a boring old alphabet. What I wanted was to combine a Klingon-esque look with the mutational principles of the Ethiopic and Brahmi scripts, not to create a syllabry like those two scripts, but rather to use the character mutations to convey grammatical information, hence a "morpho-phonemic" script. Also, thanks for the comparison to Rick Morneau's work. I only discovered his page this week and it is amazing. Wish I'd seen it earlier, he has some very elegant solutions to grammatical problems I struggled with for years.