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some Bukisi

From:Matt Arriola <azathoth500@...>
Date:Sunday, February 13, 2005, 17:52
Since last night I've been working on a Kur-Pali pidgin I call Bukisi
("from the east"). It inherits a lot from Pali, and there's a drastic
shift in Kur's core vocabulary from a Kur phonology to an indic one.
Also, there are three vowels (a, i, u) with short and long varieties.
Also, tone is lost. The consonants are pronounced as in Hindi. I know
some (all?) of you can't see unicode, so I replaced the macrons with
circumflexes, the tildes over u and i with diareses, and the
a-macron-tilde is an a-ring.

I also wrote it down in devanagari:

a i u
/a/ /i/ /U/

â î û
/A:/ /i:/ /u:/

1. Bhâsa gatî ca kîu sapâna vã hâ uyâna sap yukâ
2. Pasti paslphû sislphâ bhukisl spâ, slu sû hâ Sinar smï khita, pasva
ghibû hâ stî
3. Slu sukhâ rti "Slâ, yû uktî ya rti suktîu pasva agi." Pasva suktîu
hisyû juttîu kitî ca syutî vastî kitî vã hâ.
4. Slu sukhâ "Slâ, yû sukâ ya rti dagara ca vaisâ ussa vatî hasâ liha
khisâ. Yû sukâ ya rti âsa, hü hukhâ ya rti uyâna samattâ.
5. Huvai adhu hâ phû hâ dagara ca vaisâ ussa slîu paslphûa sukhâ.
6. Huvai sukhâ "Slu paslphû gatî ussa sap bhâsa gatî. Sâ ukhâ iku! Sâ
adü ussa slu så hasâ hü hüktî!
7. Slâ, yû adhu sip ya bhâsa slva, phû slu hasâ hü dughukâ rti bhâsa.
8. Huvai hukhâ tî spâ uyâna samattâ slu, pasva slu nivatti sukhâ hâ dagara.
9. Stî sû hâ blat Babil, munâ Huvai sip hâ tî bhâsa uyânaa. Huvai
hukhâ tî spâ uyâna samattâ paslphû.

1. language one and word-PL uniform is PAST world to whole
2. then people migrate-PAST east from, they find PAST Shinar in
valley, and.then settle PAST there
3. they say-PAST REFL "Come, we make OPT REFL brick-PL then burn."
Then brick-PL use stone-PL as and asphalt mortar as is PAST.
4. They say-PAST "Come, we make OPT REFL city and tower which top FTR
touch sky. We make OPT REFL home, not scatter OPT REFL earth across.
5. God descend PAST under see city and tower which child-PL people build-PAST.
6. God say-PAST "They people one which to language one. Now do-PAST
first! Now that which they plan will not impossible!
7. Come, we descend confuse OPT language they-POSS, under they FTR not
understand REFL language.
8. God scatter-PAST there from earth across they, then they stop build
PAST city.
9. That give PAST name Babel, why God confuse PAST there language
word-POSS. God scatter-PAST there from earth across people.