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Re: Esperanto question

From:Jason Hooper <nirgal@...>
Date:Friday, December 4, 1998, 7:59
Nik Taylor wrote:

> In my Esperanto book, it says that the suffix -igxi means "become", and > says that this is also an independant verb. For examples of the suffix > it contains such words as "edzigxi" = "edzo" (husband) + -igxi (become) > = "become a husband, get married (of men)", "edzinigxi" = "become a > wife, get married (of women)", "sidigxi" = "become sitting, sit down, > take a seat", "ellitigxi" = _el_, "out of" + _lito_, "bed" + -igxi > "become" = "become out of bed, get out of bed". For the independent > verb, it gives the example "mi igxis esperantisto" = "I became an > esperantist". My question is this: are the verb igxi and the suffix > -igxi interchangeable? Can one say "mi esperantistigxis", or even, for > women, "mi esperantistinigxis", in place of "mi igxis esperantist(in)o"? >
You would probably see "Mi estigxis esperantisto..." for "I became an Esperantist..", as opposed to "Mi igxis esperantisto..." [jrh]