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Re: Hey, what Su problem?

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 20:33
Am 08.12.01, Patrick Dunn yscrifef:

> Ir jujaimu. > I sing-with > I agree.
Oo. Hos ce "cantam me tego" il magnam! ( nennar.el c' idea!) Cor. That that "sing-I I thee-with" pleases-me the greatestly! (Needs-me to-borrow-it that idea!) Hos, you don't come across frequently. It's an emphatic and fronts the object. Dever.el means "one must", but literally it's "it needs to me that". Nennar < Engl. niman (nick). Needless to say, I like the sound of your language!
> rum! laik! mujairau! > Fun! Joy! Beauty!
Yn cants di thon playsant!
> Prurio modo viri qui in arbore pilosa est. > ~~Elvis
It burns me like a man that's used the depilitory on his head. Padraic. -- Bethes gwaz vaz ha leal.