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Re: Hey, what Su problem?

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 19:38
On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, jogloran wrote:

> Adam Walker <dreamertwo@H...> wrote: > << > Here's my proposal. When replying to Su Cheng Zhong from this point > on, > let's reply only in our respective conlangs! That way we can > practice our > grammars, work out some needed vocab and confuse him at the same > time. > >> > > Great idea, like a language embargo, right? The pitfall is that we > won't be able to understand each other; most of us don't know how to > speak others' conlangs...
Well, we could add an interlinear. Easy to do with Mujai; it's isolating. :) Or analytic. Whichever you like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prurio modo viri qui in arbore pilosa est. ~~Elvis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~