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Re: CHAT: (con)lang names

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, November 26, 2000, 0:19
>On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, And Rosta wrote: > >> BTW, I have long thought that Tohono O'odham is just about the coolest >> language name there is. It just doesn't sound like a language at all. >> It sounds like the name of someone with a Japanese mother and an >> Irish father. Who would think of naming a language Seamus Takahashi? >
Somewhere along the way I came up with Mr. Timoshenko P. Watanabe. Natlang names: I have a very soft spot nel cuore for all the wonderful, varied languages of Sulawesi (ex-Celebes), Indonesia-- not only because I spent some time there, but also because it's a fascinating island, geographically, biologically, geologically. More or less by family, which curiously coincide with the major geographic areas: Northern (Philippine-type) Sangir, Talaud, Tontemboan, Tonsea, Tondano, Bolaang-Mongondouw, Gorontalo. Central (Toraja): Bare'e, Baria, Ledo, Uma (Pipikoro), Bada', Besoa; Mori; Eastern: Saluwan, Kahumamahon. Southern: Bugis, Makassar, Salayar, Mandar, Sa'dan, Seko. Southeast: Maronene, Muna, Wolio. Those are just off the top of the head. There are more. Many are undescribed, or barely/poorly, or old-fashioned. Anyone for field-work???