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Re: Has anyone designed fonts for their language

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 29, 2001, 16:30
David Peterson wrote:

>In a message dated 5/28/01 9:55:10 PM, jmlotzn1@PACBELL.NET writes: > ><< I have Corel Draw and working on a font for > >my language. If anyone has any experinece in designing > >a script to write their language in or have any good > >pointers I'd appreciate it >> > > I've made tons of fonts, but all on this program I have for Mac that >makes it ridiculously easy. I don't have any webpages (don't know how to >make them), but if you have a Mac>Windows font converter, I could send you >some. As for tips...none, unless you're working with a Mac. Sorry. :(
I've mentioned in the past the Font Creator Program (Windows only) available for 30 day trial from It also allows you to use a scanned image, which can then be regularized-- probably much like Corel Draw. It does produce True-type fonts. I did not fully understand everything I was doing (semi-illiterate, computerwise), but it did produce a usable font. Advice: if you go for it, and plan to do more than 30-days of work, you'd better register and pay for it (around $30.00). I did not, and can no longer access the program to make changes or additions; though the _installed_ font still works.