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Re: Family Project votes

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Thursday, August 2, 2001, 15:39
Sally Caves wrote:

> If we call it Arda, then we're subconsciously > inclined to invent something Tolkienesque.
Mine thinkit not. I am just as likely to think of Lewis's Field of Arbol (the solar system), though perhaps that is not quite independent; or of Nabokov's Terra (our timeline is Anti-terra) in his novel _Ada, or Ardor_. Anyhow, the list is called Arda already. -- There is / one art || John Cowan <jcowan@...> no more / no less || to do / all things || with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein


Sally Caves <scaves@...>