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YUM: Yer Ugly Mug, Problem

From:Iain E. Davis <feaelin@...>
Date:Saturday, May 10, 2003, 14:30
Elliott Lash wrote:
> How do I get my picture up? > I've tried multiple times to upload a picture from my > computer onto the server, but it doesn't work.
Hmm. Were you trying this on Monday? I _think_ that was the day I was still fine-tuning the changes for "Conlang Join Date" and "Birthdate". It's possible that either a) I broke the upload in the process or b) You submitted just as I was making changes (I need to setup a test copy Real Soon Now, instead of working with the production version!) and I clobbered it somehow. :) Try again when you have a chance. Pay attention at the very top of the page (above the YUM picture) and let me know if there is any text there after you submit...there is a cosmetic bug that the upload errors are appearing there...the message _might_ be helpful. :)