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Re: Unilang: the Morphology

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Saturday, April 21, 2001, 23:44
> > themselves. If they're truly independent words, then I assume they're > > actually pronounced as [s@] and [k@], or perhaps [@s] and [@k]? > > I think they are pronounced /s/ and /k/. If the preceding word ends > or the following start with a vowel, you might analyse that they are > pronounced *with* that word, but if not, they are clearly simply the > above phonemes as far as I know. But my Russian is too bad to > generate sentences. >
/i`dusma`jemtova`riS:@m/ Idu s mojem tovarishchem I go with my comrade. They are pronounced simply as /s/ or /k/ alone, but sort of added to the front of the following word where it is possible. That is to say, "s mojem", "k torzhevstvu" and so on. Anyplace where Russian allows [s] or [k] before something else, it is pronounced like if it were part of that word. Speaking slowly, the above sentence would be /i`du sma`jem tova`iS:@m/. There are places where the forms [so] and ?[ka] are used, but I don't know where...Serbian uses always the [sa] and [ka] form, except in fast speech, when they are rendered as /s/ or /k/ before vowels, also note that [ka] is not much used in Serbian. -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Suurt chugunikka peene ahjo suhe et toukka. Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: railways page: 25kV 50Hz: