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Re: OT: Announcement Follow-up

From:Irina Rempt <ira@...>
Date:Saturday, August 4, 2001, 11:14
On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Adrian Morgan wrote:

> Quoting David Peterson: > > > Her name? It remains a mystery; my parents can't make up their > > minds.
Saw it was "Natalie"; though it wasn't what you'd have chosen, I like it!
> My parents started from the 'Z's in the name book and eventually called > me Adrian. With my sister, they started at the 'A's and ended up with > Rebecca.
Could have been Zachariah and Zillah. Count yourselves lucky. We used the Old Testament for Naomi and Rebecca (obviously), but when we realized our twins might both be girls (I knew somehow that one of them was a girl, but we had two boys' names lined up anyway, Jonathan and Daniel) we couldn't find anything in the Old Testament that (a) we both liked, (b) went with our surname, (c) wasn't on the list of Most Popular Names (we made that mistake with Naomi - *we* had never heard of Naomi Campbell when we named her) and (d) didn't start with 'R' because it's very awkward for twins, or even any siblings, to have the same initial. We tried the book of (Orthodox) saints, starting in the middle, and came up with 'Menna', an 11th-century nun from the Vosges. It also happens to be a Frisian name; when I was in hospital having them, a nurse said that she had an aunt called Menna. I asked her "is she Frisian?" "No, she's a nun." Called after the same saint, I presume. Irina -- Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself)


dirk elzinga <dirk.elzinga@...>