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Re: words from Su Cheng Zhong

From:Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Date:Saturday, August 17, 2002, 15:07
On Friday 16 August 2002 22:45, lu su wrote:
> Even George Bernard Shaw subconsciously aware that > increasing sounds' number can understand the world > better.
Like that weed in the rose garden that just won't go away, like that ring in the tub that you can't scrub away, like the pebble in your shoe that's been hobbling your walk but you are in a hurry and so can't stop, like a scratch on your back that you can't reach, like the smell of old smoke on your favorite sweater, like fingernails on a blackboard... HE'S BACK! :Peter


John Cowan <jcowan@...>
bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>