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Re: poetry

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 23:35
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Matt McLauchlin wrote:

> Have you written any poetry in your conlangs?
Yup. I don't make any claim to poetic ability, though.
> Here are two of mine. > > "Subj"
[snip] Quite lovely stuff! A couple conculture-related attempts: Kaqanen maroni rasa sjaraínu sejama habazad qiraízu dichaíku haraya i hanir hicharad habezana Semi-direct translation: Death's many faces first snow (at)-battlefield last bloody stain once salutes (a) soldier Less direct and better translation: Death has many faces: The battlefield's first snow The heart's last stain of blood A soldier salutes once. === nin hebaze sjabemana hanachis nabesana naíyi ris bara baraqis Semi-direct translation: our weapons night hid enemy we watched dawn red Less direct and better translation: Night hid our spears We watched for the enemy The day dawned red. === <rueful look> I'm trying for a haiku or sijo-like feel, though I doubt I succeeded; haiku isn't something I ever anticipate doing right. And then there's the first 30 lines of creation myth, which I've submitted for the phonological relay. Since I doubt it'll make it, I'll post it some other time. :-) YHL