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Re: Fruitcakes was Re: Kentum/satem

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, May 2, 2002, 21:09
Andreas Johansson wrote:
(I wrote:)
>>No! It's true! Just last night the Discovery Channel revealed that not
>>the pyramids, but also Teotihuacan and Angkor are the result of alien >>technology/astronomical knowledge. My goodness, they hung around for a >>very >>long time, didn't they!? Perhaps they're still here........... > >Angkor 'd be a new one. I thought it only was Africans and Americans who >were to dumb to hew big rocks without the help of aliens. >
The main point of the program seemed to be that (1) the pyramids and the Sphinx were aligned in accord with compass points, and Orion's Belt, and something else; now how did those silly Egyptians manage that? (2) Teotihuacan is a model of the world, based on a module of 1.06 meters-- so close to the actual meter that, obviously, the Aztecs must have accurately known the circumference of the earth. (Ummm, a 6% error does mount up) (3) Angkor is also a model of the world and aligned thus-and-so (I missed much of this segment), which actually is true IIRC, the central tallest temple represents Mt. Meru in Hindu cosmology. All this knowledge could not possibly have arisen natively............therefore.......... (Never mind too that the pyramids date from around 2000 BCE(?), Teo. probably is early CE, and Angkor is 1000-1400 CE. The things people get away with on TV!!!!!!!!!)