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Re: THEORY: Tepa prosody [was: Estonian Quantity]

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, November 12, 2001, 14:26
En réponse à Dirk Elzinga <Dirk_Elzinga@...>:

> Hey. > > What follows is best viewed in a monowidth font. It's also rather > long. >
But extremely interesting. I'll snip those explanations though, since I know far too little about this to do anything of it right now :( . [snip interesting stuff (looks quite oxymoric, doesn't it? :)) )]
> > As far as I can tell, both realizations are in free variation. > > So while Estonian didn't provide a direct model, Prince's analysis of > overlength as a metrical phenomenon got me thinking about foot-based > morphophonology in Tepa. >
Very interesting! In fact, it inspired me for Itakian. Like Tepa, between the phonemic form and the phonetic realisation of a sequence, there are quite a few changes (even more then Tepa in fact, many more). In the first version of Itakian, those changes made the language impossible to remember. A hypothetical sequence like "ta 'ilce" /ta ?jlke/ made of two words ended up as [dZl=g] (and I spare you the tone sandhi :) ). Since the writing system was pretty phonemic, it made the language quite difficult to read (probably more than Tibetan :)) ). Also, though I thought the idea was neat, at last I was unhappy that the change rules were so powerful, and I wanted to find a way to make them less powerful, without losing their peculiarity. I think you've given me an idea, to use metrical constraints on the rules. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about this metrical analysis you present (is there anywhere on the web stuff that explains it? I cannot reach linguistic printed material for now). Also, it would maybe explain why the grammatical processes of the languages seem to make it that on the phonemic surface, the only syllables allowed are CV, CL (L is /n/, /r/, /j/ or /w/, which can behave like consonnants or vowels), CVV, CLV and CVL (LV syllables exist, but for the analysis, they can be written as 'LV, where ' is the glottal stop, thus having still a CLV syllable)
> > Right now it's on my hard drive; Jeffrey Hennings has some stuff on > his pages, but for some reason the inflectional > morphology of nouns and verbs never made it there. I'm still working > out some changes to the derivational morphology. Once they are done, > I'm planning on writing up the phonology and morphology and posting > it here. I'm still thinking about where to get web space; I don't get > any from BYU for personal pages. I'll probably have to go with a free > service. >
As I said, Free is probably the best free service you can find, giving you 100Mb of webspace for free, and without pop-up windows or those damn little commercial things you normally have to add on your webpages (moreover, you can in fact get as many account as you want, giving you with each account 100Mb of webspace, allowing people to have as many webpages as they want). Unfortunately for about 95% of the people who are on Internet, it's a French service, and it doesn't seem available for people without an address in France (though I may be wrong. I got my page while I was still living in France, so I don't have that problem). As I did with Kristian Jensen, I can provide you with a webpage place if you want. Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.