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Re: Artlangers vs. auxlangers (was Re: Tell your conlang story!)

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 12:31

Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...> writes:
> Hanuman Zhang wrote: > > > ... At first I got into auxlangs like Glosa, but I am too > > much of a pragmaticist and creative "rogue" to fit in with the > > auxlang crowd (who seem to lack the depth of linguistic knowledge > > of the conlanging crowd ... > > Very true; I have made the same observation. Most auxlangers only > know a handful of western and central European languages, and take > "typically European" linguistic features for granted; most auxlang > descriptions I have seen are linguisticaly naive, for example, > describing the language in terms of letters rather than phonemes. > >...
Please! You have prejudices against auxlangers, ok, but this does not mean we want to risk a flamewar here. Prejudices are prejudices -- there are many auxlangers and auxlangophiles on this list who are very well aware of what they are talking about linguistically. Only because we don't want auxlang advocacy on this list does not mean to be hostile against auxlangers. BTW, I personally have seen many naive non-auxlang conlangs, too. It's simply that one needs time and energy to get into the matter deep enough to create a well-crafted piece of art (in the view of others who do have the deep view already). And I strongly doubt this is specific to auxlanging. It's likely to be inherent in every hobby or profession. **Henrik -- Relay 13 is running:


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>