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Re: The Ring Thing (was: Digest of messages 36.53-36.58 (fwd))

From:nicole perrin <nicole.eap@...>
Date:Saturday, August 5, 2000, 12:47
> > From: "J Matthew Pearson" > > > I've been meaning to ask: Is there a website for Gearthnuns? > > I've threatened one as long as I've been on the list. It does not exist as > yet. It was making some dandy progress in Taiwan, but then I got > side-tracked (Nicole has seen the first two chapters of the grammar). These > days, I'm trying to get the lexicon in place, so there will actually be > something at the site if one ventures to go there. Rough site by the end of > the summer? More flushed out site by the end of the year? Wish me luck. > > Kou
So, what about the other chapters of the grammar? I've been wondering about that. Or is that all you've done so far? For the benefit of the rest of the list, the first two chapters are *thorough*. Really good stuff. You should make him put it on the web right away. Nicole -- AIM sn: iiiieeeee