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Re: Iain M. Banks: Marain language

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Monday, June 19, 2006, 18:26
Henrik Theiling wrote at 2006-06-19 16:27:10 (+0200)
 > Hi!
 > Anyone read Banks' books?

Sure.  I've read all his SF work, unless something new's come out
 > I found a few words of Banks himself about the conlang used in his
 > science fiction books:
 > Unfortunately, this is mainly only about the writing system -- not
 > much about the language.  But still, that's something.

I (in agreement with Jim Henry) don't think there's much more of a
language to be described - Banks tells us the occasional fact _about_
Marain, but if he's got a well-developed phonology, grammar and
lexicon, he's keeping it to himself.

This material on the script is interesting, though.  (I knew it worked
something like this, but it's nice to have the details.)