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Re: CHAT: proto-language

From:Tundra Slosek <tundras@...>
Date:Friday, December 11, 1998, 14:08
On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Joshua Shinavier wrote:

> Hello to the natlang-educated on this list :)
Hey now, it isn't MY fault!
> A long time ago I saw a TV program about evolutionary linguistics > where a scientist claimed to have found a word (the meaning had to do > with milk, "to suckle", IIRC) which was common, in variation, to all > families of languages;
All that I can add for you is that I saw the same program and took a note to explore it detail (and never actually did). Perhaps this helps: the show was aired on my local PBS station (Channel 11 in NH if I remember right... I haven't watched much TV lately) sometime in the vicinity of Sept 2nd, 1995. - Tundra