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Re: Germanic and Celtic (was Re: Verb-second ... verb-penultimate languages?)

From:Michael Adams <michael.adams1@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 7:56
Have to remember the origin of Celt/Kelt. Or you mean
Briton/Brythonic or Gual or like names?

Gaelic and Gaul have some relationship?

Celtic if I remember the term right, comes from the Greek
"Keltoi" meaning either one group, or a group or all of them,
but namely Barbarians or what?

Would Galatia be called Celtic? Are they closer to the
Continental or Island forms?

Briton, Brythonic, Gaelic, Gaulish or what? The P and Q celts?

Sorry, out of the loops for a while, so please forgive
fragmented nature of my comments.

Teutons = what we sort of call Germans for a while, was a mixed
Celtic/Germanic group/tribe or what?


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----- Original Message -----
From: "R A Brown" <ray@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: Germanic and Celtic (was Re: Verb-second ...
verb-penultimate languages?)

> Jörg Rhiemeier wrote: > [snip] > > > What do you mean by "they"? If you mean Continental Celtic,
it is generally
> > accepted that they are the closest kin of Insular Celtic; I
don't know why
> > Ray always puts "Celtic" in quotes. > > Not always, but often :) > > I know this is controversial, and there was a thread about
this some
> time back so I do not want to stir things up, but only to
answer Jörg's
> query. > > None of the ancient authors ever refers to any of the
inhabitants of
> Britain & Ireland as Celts. Indeed, no one referred to anyone
in these
> islands as Celtic until the 18th century. Since then, however,
the term
> has acquired overlays of all sorts mythic and political
> that are unwarranted, so some of us are not entirely
comfortable with
> this blanket term. > > See: > > > -- > Ray > ================================== > > > ================================== > Anything is possible in the fabulous Celtic twilight, > which is not so much a twilight of the gods > as of the reason." [JRRT, "English and Welsh" ]