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CHAT: Textbooks // was University Advice

From:Adrian Morgan <morg0072@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 0:12
Cathy Whitlock wrote

> Hehe I suppose that is better than the outright lie on my old chem book; > "Chemistry; the CENTRAL science"- I talked about that with an engineer > friend of mine, and we decided that math is really the central science, > and then physics. Only then come chemistry and biology, or at least so > we concluded.
The chemistry textbooks used for year twelve in South Australia were: 1. SAChEm being a pun on "chem" and the South Australian Certificate of Ed. 2. The Essentials implying that it covers the 'essentials' of what you need to know. -- web. | Here and there I like to preserve a few islands of sanity | within the vast sea of absurdity which is my mind. member/ | After all, you can't survive as an eight foot tall dragon | flesh eating dragon if you've got no concept of reality.