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Re: CHAT: Arabic translation?

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, July 30, 2000, 23:23
On Sun, 30 Jul 2000 17:15:06 EDT Cathy Whitlock <Cprincessw@...>
> >> > WHOA that is total ESP or soemthing weird like that- I came online > to read my > mail and ask that very same thing to the ConLang group- Shakira is a > favortie > singer of mine. (I am pretty sure she is part Arabic, by the way- > her last > name is very Middle Eastern) > > ~Cathy~
- And *i'm* trying to find someone who has the album _Meli Meli_ by Cheb Mami and can translate the lyrics for me so i know what he's saying before i decide whether to buy it or not :-) . For those of you who've never heard of Cheb Mami or Algerian "Rai" music, (like me before last week), he's the Arabic harmonizing singer in the Sting song _Desert Rose_. -Stephen (Steg) "anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."