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Missile correction

From:Freedberg, Bruce <bruce.freedberg@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 18, 2002, 12:37
-----Original Message-----
From: Karapcik, Mike [mailto:KarapcM@MOFFITT.USF.EDU]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: Words for "boredom"

 >>>  A previous employer of mine used to be married to a man from Saudi.
lived there for about three years. (Later divorced, now back in the states.)
I don't remember the city name, but it is close to the Kuwait border.
(Durhan? During Desert Storm, a US scud missile went off course and hit
about two miles from her ex-husband's house.)

Perhaps I am uninformed, but I don't think the US launched any SCUD
missiles.  Iraq fired forty-something of them each at Israel and Saudi
Arabia, however. (Maybe you are thinking of the Patriot missiles, which were
designed to intercept the SCUDs.)