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Re: Conlang Relay

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Thursday, February 28, 2008, 10:44
It seems to me you could be asking two different questions here,�so I'll answer
both:��(Q1) Do you reply to the Conlang List regarding your
preferences�in a relay?��(A) No. The Valdyas relay list is entirely
separate from the Conlang�list. There are some who are on the Valdyas list
that aren't on�Conlang, and vice versa. When a relay pops up, there will
generally�be a post on Conlang to let those on Conlang know there's a
relay�(as there was this time), but everything else is handled on the
Valdyas�relay list, and not on Conlang-L.��(Q2) Do you reply to the
Valdyas list regarding your specific�preferences (who to follow,
etc.)?��(A) It depends on the relay master, and the information.
Generally,�the relay master will look at all the information (e-mails sent
to�the list, and e-mails sent privately), and will create a
schedule�accordingly. They'll then usually run that schedule by everyone�on
the Valdyas list to ensure it's correct. As such, you can send�your
preferences to the list, or the relay master, and they should�be received. If
you're information is sensitive (e.g., you don't�want to follow X language,
just because), you're better off sending�it directly to the relay master, and
not to the Valdyas list.��If you ever have any questions regarding a
specific relay, the�best thing to do is to contact the relay master, since
each relay�master runs things a little differently (and a given relay
master�may even run a second or third relay they're master of
male love inevivi i'ala'i oku i ue pokulu'ume o heki a."�"No eternal reward
will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."��-Jim
Morrison����On Feb 28, 2008, at 1∞51 AM,
Eugene Oh wrote:��> I was planning to send this off-list, but more than one
person will�> probably ask this question:�>�> Do all who have already
replied on the relay mailing-list reply again�> here to confirm, or take it
that their volitions and preferences have�> been registered?�>�> So that
I won't flood your inbox, here's mine just in case.�>�> Preferred language
used: Classical Arithide�> Preferred position: not after Mesegeoika as did
that before, want to�> try something else�>�> Eugene�>�> On
27/02/2008, Peter Bleackley <Peter.Bleackley@...> wrote:�>> I'm planning to
run a translation relay, starting from March 31st. If�>> anyone wants to join
in, contact me.�>>�>> Pete Bleackley�>>�


Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>[relay] Conlang Relay