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Re: Interesting Words

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Monday, November 5, 2001, 5:10
> > > On Sun, 4 Nov 2001 17:00:14 EST, Elliott Lash <AL260@...> wrote: > > > > >(that was a stupid subject line I know) > > > > > >Anyway, I'm wondering about that age old 'language myth' about the many words for > > >snow in Eskimo. Now of course I know this is untrue, but, does anyone have a > > >language with a similar group of words with related meanings? Let me try to > > >demonstrate using Silindion. > > > > Well now I'm curious what is this myth? I know that Nenets, Nganasan and > Selkup have different words for snow depending on if it's old and hard, > soft inside but crusty surface, thick slushy, watery slushy, and so on...
Oh..well that's the extent of what Eskimo does as well. The reason why it's a 'myth', is that many people believe that the words all simply mean 'snow' which is not the case. Elliott


Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>