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Re: CONLANG/ZBB crossover (WAS: CONLANG article deleted from Wikipedia)

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 17:08
Mark wrote:
Too many people get caught up in the purported anonymity
or whatever and just let loose with all sorts of vitriolic nonsense.

This is my main problem with the ZBB:

I can't *stand* sock puppetry, and the nature of the forum (not
the people, but the way it's set up) seems to promote it.  I have
an account over there, but I pretty much just browse.  If I see
"script" (as opposed to "orthography", which I had to learn) in
the title, I take a look, and am usually unimpressed.  It's nice to
be able to glance at the headers and see what's being discussed,
in general (which is something you can't easily do on Conlang,
unless you go to the archives).  One disadvantage, though, is
that it seems impossible to keep up with a discussion.  With the
way I have Conlang set up, all the e-mails get downloaded, my
program highlights everything in the same thread as the message
I'm currently viewing (whether it has the same subject line or not),
and I can see exactly what I have and haven't viewed.  I'm sure
part of this is that I've been on Conlang for years, and am new
to the Phpbb style of forum, but I think I simply prefer an e-mail-
based forum.

"A male love inevivi i'ala'i oku i ue pokulu'ume o heki a."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison