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Re: Tokana webpage progress report (II)

From:Hawksinger <hawksinger@...>
Date:Thursday, December 3, 1998, 2:34
Matt Pearson wrote:

> put the pages. Right now I'm leaning towards Geocities. What do other > people think of that option - aside from the problem of the pop-up windows?
Look forward to seeing them! Geocities is, as I have said before, my preferred server for free pages. If you are several days away from being done, it still might be a good idea and move in now. Formerly, and I must say I don't know if its still true, they only gave you limited space until they were certain you were going in. Only after a while did they up your space to the full 11 megs. They have made a lot of changes recently and that may no longer be the case. -- Brad Coon My Conlang and Conculture pages Most of my pages including my home page My Outdoor and Primitive Skills Pages My wine pages. "Life without adventure is merely existance."--Hawksinger