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Re: Conlang as a divider from others

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Monday, December 6, 1999, 14:52
Grandsire, C.A. <grandsir@...> comunu:

> It makes me also think of the special naming languages invented by > chemists to name all molecules in an unambiguous way that allows to > reconstruct the structure of the moecule simply by parsing the name. I > had to learn this language during my Organic Chemistry classes, and > needless to say, it's something very complex and nearly hermetic :) (and > full of rules and subrules, etc... to take every case into account, and > even rules for abbreviation because some names can be as long as a full > paragraph :) ).
I had never heard there was a nomenclature corresponding to chemical formulae. Can anyone point me to a web site that has more information about this? Best regards, Jeffrey Henning - Invent Your Own Language - Win $100 in the DublexGame contest! "If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed.... Oh, wait, he does!"