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Re: translation exercise

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Monday, April 12, 1999, 21:38
"Where are all the wonderful new art forms? So far I have heard mainly of
cockroaches and signatures."

"Just so. It was early realised that every possible permutation of pigment,
light, texture, form, sound and whatever is left had been achieved, and that
to strain for novelty was wasted effort. The single ever-fresh ever-renewing
resource was human thought itself, and the gorgeous patterns of its
interplay between or among individuals."

Wayness frowned in puzzlement. "Are you referring to 'talk'?"

"I suppose that 'talk' is an appropriate word."

"At least it is inexpensive."

"Exactly -- which makes it the most egalitarian of all creative

"I am happy that you explained this to me," said Wayness. "We are on our way
to Lena's Bistro, then?"

Ecce and Old Earth, p 139, Jack Vance.

The lines seemed appropriate to the list. Wayness is a woman, if that makes
a difference to all your translations. And yes, they really *are* talking
about conlangs!

Rule One: Question the unquestionable,
ask the unaskable, eff the ineffable,
think the unthinkable, and screw the inscrutable.