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Re: translation exercise

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, January 26, 2004, 4:27
Mark J. Reed wrote:
> > I know who I want to take me home. >
It took 24+ hours to coerce this into Kash: makaya kaçe re mamelo re me yafilan ri punayeni I-know person-dat REL I-want THAT me-dat he-take LOC house-dat.-his Lit: I know the person who I want that he take me to his house. Awkward, isn't it. (For all "he"'s you could substitute "she". But the main problem is "who"-- it's rare to use _kari_ in a non-interrogative sense, and there's no form for non-interrog. "(the) one who". OTOH "who do I want to take me home?" would be kariye mamelo above, lit., whom(dat.) do I want that he-take me....etc. but it just sounds odd to append that as a subclause of makaya.... (which incidentally says that I am not actually acquainted with my dreamboat; if I were, it would be matimbat.... (i.e. the same difference as between saber and conocer, weissen and kennen)


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
michael poxon <m.poxon@...>