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Re: New lang: Senquar(ian)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 3, 2001, 17:26
Luca Mangiat wrote:

>The English name of the language will (better: should) be Senquarian, from >the native toponym _Senquar_, a flat region situated in the middle of the >Carmian subcontinent (Where is it??? In my conworld! Rather obvious, isn't >it?). The native name of the language is still unknown. In these notes I >will try to describe the dialectal variety spoken around the greatest town >of the Senquar country, _Ismád_, which is also the capital town of the >kingdom, and in the surrounding area, the _Cîrém_ province. > >Ok, the names sound stupid, I know... >
No they don't. (snips)
>*Consonants > >There are 24 consonat phonemes: > >Plosive s p b t d k g q G >Nasals m n N >Fricatives f v s S Z h >Affricates ts tS dZ >Liquids w r l j>
Considerations of symmetry might suggest there ought to be /z/ and /dz/ too-- but perhaps something happened to them along the way? Merged with /Z/,/dZ/ maybe? (snips)
>fricatives f or s r: fressë....
Geminate /s/?
>Let me know what you think so far...
Mi piace.


Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Mangiat <mangiat@...>