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Re: Clockwise without clocks

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, April 1, 2005, 6:52
On Thursday, March 31, 2005, at 05:03 , caeruleancentaur wrote:

> BTW, I never heard the word "deosil," although I am acquainted with > widdershins. "Widdershins" is of Germanic origin meaning "counter- > course."
> Can anyone enlighten me as to the etymology of "deosil"?
Scots _deasil_ pronounced variously as [di:zl=], [dEsl=], [deSl=] or [di:Sl=] "sunwise movement" <-- Gaelic _deiseil_ "southward, toward(s) the sun" <-- _deas_ "right[hand], south" + Old Irish/Gaelic _sel_ (mod. Gaelic _seal_) "turning" <-- *swel- (cf. Welsh _chwyl_). The words for _south_ and _right-hand_ are the same in the Insular Celtic langs. ============================================== On Friday, April 1, 2005, at 02:11 , B. Garcia wrote: [snip]
> I feel that this topic has been getting increasingly more complex than > it needs to be.
I agree - I can't help thinking we have really exhausted the topic now : ) Ray =============================================== =============================================== Anything is possible in the fabulous Celtic twilight, which is not so much a twilight of the gods as of the reason." [JRRT, "English and Welsh" ]


Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>