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Re: OT: PL/I was Re: Please welcome . . .

From:Ph. D. <phild@...>
Date:Thursday, December 18, 2003, 6:17
Jeff Jones wrote:
> > Ph. D. wrote: > > > >PL/I was implemented by a number of manufacturers. I have > >used it on a Univac 1110 mainframe > > Did the programs actually ever run??? Or the compiler for that matter! I > much preferred FORTRAN or assembler on the 1100 (or Pascal when it became > available).
Sure they did. The early compilers had some problems, but that's to be expected. Of course, FORTRAN was the annointed language on the 1100, and Univac put most of their resources into it. I've always had a passion for assembler, but most other programmers seem to turn up their noses at it. My two favorite machines in terms of machine language were the 1100 and the DEC system 10. Interestingly, they both had a word size of 36 bits. (We also had a compiler called RALPH on the 1110 written at the University of Maryland which would compile code in FORTRAN and MAD. [Anyone remember MAD?] You could switch back and forth between languages in the middle of a source file.) --Ph. D.


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>