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Re: Essential Swedish?

From:Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 3, 2004, 9:32
Never mind ! The English are now colonizing France,
because land and houses are cheaper here than in
narrow, overcrowded, sad and rainy United Kingdom, so
I think that soon English will be our 2nd national
language. There are already villages (in the
South-West for ex) where there are more English people
than French, where the shops are English, their name
English too, and they sell only English products. You
hear nearly only English in the streets. The local
people cannot afford to buy houses any more, the
prices getting frantically up because of the English
buyers. This is kind of a revenge, as the English
never admitted they had to leave South-Western France
after the 100-Year War (we teached them what is wine,
and they teached us what is rugby as a counterpart).

So no more need to try talking French, Dordogne being
already something like a Channel Island, without the
sea around.

(Some other places are getting colonized by Dutch
people. Dutch are famous for bringing everything they
need from their home in the Netherlands, and not
buying anything more than maybe half a bread on the
spot in six weeks).

--- Joe <joe@...> wrote:

> > > > Yes, we(the English) have a good hearty laugh when > we come back from the > continent about how the French speak some heathen > lingo;-) > > As far as I know, we try our best to speak a very > broken French that we > remember from school. It's not generally very good, > and tends to be > thorougly mixed with any other language we've > learnt. But you have to > be tolerant with us backwards English folks.
===== Philippe Caquant "Le langage est source de malentendus." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster