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From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 2, 2002, 4:19
On 1 July, Jeff Jones wrote:

> My first job in the computer racket was to be in charge of the students' > waiting list ... and kicking them out when their time was up. >
Must have been nice! Where I was, students were allowed to "hog" the machines until they were done! IIRC, there was a sort of informal "pecking order". Graduate students working on a professor's research could kick out a grad student working on his own stuff. Grad students of any persuasion could keep the keypunches away from undergrads. And undergrads: well... ;-)
> Manual typewriters. Never could use one of the damn things -- it took both > thumbs to press the shift key. At least with punch cards, you didn't have > to retype the whole page (unless, like some of us, you made at least one > typo per card).
The floor around my machine was usually littered with ripped-up punch-cards (I was a sloppy typist! I could easily go through half a dozen tries until I got a perfect card! :-P )
> > The nifty thing was we'd have to remember to insert an @EBCDIC card at the > start of the deck to tell the system to translate the cards into ASCII, > otherwise it would be total garbage. And then, the job would print out on > an uppercase-only line printer for which administrative computing didn't > bother to supply a correct translation table, so brackets would print as > underscores and underscores as widgets etc. Before the program could be > debugged, the listing had to be deciphered.
Ahh, those fond memories! ;-) Dan Sulani ------------------------------------------------------------ likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a A word is an awesome thing.