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Re: CHAT: Happy Birthday

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Monday, March 25, 2002, 17:38
--- In conlang@y..., daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@S...> wrote:

> Happy birthday! Or as we say in Cein: > > "Nost far!"
Do you have any online references to Cein? I'd like to have a look at them. In Obrenje: O ral miza chessoqa! /O "ral "mi:za h@s"so:Na/ O ral miza chessoqa. Optative good day create_past_passive_gerund. Lit: "May [there be] a good day of having-been-created!" Note that the unmarked noun phrase "good birthday" would be <miza chessoqa ral>, true to the head-first policy. Here, ral is placed at the head position, drawing more attention. Maybe one should translate it as "May there be a good one of birthdays!" Colloquial usage would probably reduce <miza chessoqa> to <chessoqa>, and maybe also drop the optative: <Ral chessoqa>! "Good birthday"! -- Christian Thalmann