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Re: Russian verbal forms (was: (In)transitive verbs

From:Alexander Savenkov <savenkov@...>
Date:Sunday, February 8, 2004, 17:02

2004-02-08T15:37:16+03:00 Tamas Racsko <tracsko@...> wrote:

>> Russian, like German, do sometimes (e.g. “po Ї raz! Ї exat’sja” = to >> leave, one after the other, or familiar [pejorative] “po Ї na Ї vy Ї >> delyvat’ = to make”
> I don't know the deepest depth of Russian, I speak Slovak, but I > think that the latter is rather an ad hoc forming.
No, it isn’t. I saw both poraz’yehat’sya and ponavydelyvat’ many times in literature. When someone unconsciously (let’s say after drinking too much) decides to “go for a walk”, breakes a couple of shopwindows, breaks a rear-view mirror off a car, starts a number of fights etc. and then crawls home, I’d say “ponavydelyval…” the next day. Regards, Alexander. -- Alexander Savenkov