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Re: Hattic (fi: Chelume - My Conlang website up)

From:Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Friday, January 9, 2004, 14:24
BTW, on the topic of this kind of thing, if anyone has a fake country,
make it clear that it's fake. There are apparently some unethical
characters out there who sell passports and the like to troubled people to
micronations and other fake countries, giving URLs as 'proof' that they
exist. I've seen one micronation shut down when its sovereign heard about
a case. (Fake languages are probably okay though; not every language has
a country.)


On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> --- Ray Brown skrzypszy: > > > > That's at least what I would do (and actually did; my page about > > > Hattic has evoked some discussions about the question whether it is true > > > or not). > > > > Ah, but you have the added advantage that there are already two actual > > unrelated _natlangs_ called Hattic as well! So that must surely evoke > > discussion not only about whether it's true or not, but about whether > > it's the Siberian Hattic or the ancient Anatolian Hattic - much more > > fun, as you say, especially for unwary Google searchers :-) > > *Two* natlangs? I must admit that this is totally new to me. I am astounded. I > know of course of Anatolian Hattic. But are you saying that there actually is > another Hattic, spoken in Siberia? > > If that it so, I should perhaps rename the language after all... Two languages > of the same name is one thing; two languages of the same name spoken in one > country is another. > > Jan > > ===== > "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed > room with a mosquito." > > ________________________________________________________________________ > Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" > your friends today! Download Messenger Now > >
-- Tristan