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Re: USAGE: -ic(al) Re: [CONLANG] Most developed conlang

From:T. A. McLeay <conlang@...>
Date:Saturday, April 28, 2007, 23:56
MorphemeAddict@WMCONNECT.COM wrote:
> In a message dated 4/28/2007 11:19:21 AM Central Daylight Time, > conlang@MELROCH.SE writes: > > >> Interestingly my dictionary points out that the adverb to >> _politic_ is _politicly_, so obviously the rule that >> adjectives in _-ic_ insert _-al-_ before _-ly-_ may be >> overridden in such a case, which begs the question why it >> should be continued at all! >> > > Actually the word is spelled "politically". Your dictionary must be
wrong. Nevertheless, you have "publicly" rather than "publically", so Benct’s question still stands. Also, I was reading an BBC article today about simulating a mouse brain in a computer, and the researchers who did it are quoted as saying: “they had seen 'biologically consistent dynamical properties' emerge as nerve impulses flowed through the virtual cortex”. I would have expected “dynamic properties”. -- Tristan.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>