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Re: CHAT: Conlang/Concultural education was Re: CHAT: University Advice (was Re: A bit of advice)

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Saturday, September 9, 2000, 12:39
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 12:05:12AM -0400, Padraic Brown wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Yoon Ha Lee wrote: > > >ObConLang: *education* in concultures/conlangs? Education in mine is > >associated with the magistrates, who form the scholarly elite, in Qenar, > >though the word for "knowledge" connotes more wisdom/enlightenment (in a > >vaguely Zen-ish sense) than book-learning. Education in Qenar is a > >privilege of the wealthy, and there "knowledge" connotes more > >philosophy/ethics.
[snip] *Grabs the ObConlang chance to show off his conlang/conculture yet again ;-P* Education in my conculture/conlang varies depending on which era of my con-universe you're looking at. In the Kingdom Era, which speaks the version of the conlang I'm working on now, there is an elite class called the Experts, who are basically philosopher-physicist-adventurer-heroes. Kinda like the Samurai in Japan. Esp. at the start and toward the end of the Kingdom Era, the Experts enjoy a widespread popularity and are involved in the politics of the time. Because they are considered as the educated elite, their philosophies are very much integrated into the formal form of the language. Over time, the education system brought this philosophy through the teaching of the language and it became part of the culture. In fact, the inner structure of the language is almost completely built upon the philosophical tenets of the Experts -- the influence of Expert philosophy through the education system has unconsciously excluded whatever original languages or other philosophies there might have been. (There are still traces left, but insignificant.) With regards to the education itself, the Experts run their own schools, which are pretty elitist and pedantic; only "qualified" students get very far through the system, which is basically targeted at producing the next generation of Experts. In general, only higher-class people send their kids to Expert schools (and even then, not many make it all the way through); others just settle for local schools. Towards the later Kingdom Era, Expert philosophy has integrated itself with the culture so much that even local schools teach the language forms that originally only the Expert schools taught. However, besides teaching language and elementary technical skills, local schools don't do much else. After the unfortunate fall of the Kingdom, which brought the Kingdom Era to a close, and which involved massive widespread destruction, education was almost completely wiped out. In the Era of Scattering which follows, the only form of education left is homeschooling and/or crude remnants of local schools -- Expert schools completely disappeared throughout most of this Era. The fall of the Kingdom is also the point where communication between the three main sections of the con-universe ceased; and the original language diverged along three totally different paths as time goes on. And yes, this is just my perfect excuse to experiment with descendant languages which can take three paths completely isolated from each other... :-) And yes, this is also my chance to write history three times in case I feel like re-writing what really happened "back then" :-) Later in the history of my con-universe, though, communication between the three sections of the universe was restored, and the coming together of three deeply ingrained languages cause rather interesting reactions. I'll probably put in a few "interesting characters" who try to invent IAL's to resolve language differences(!): so much time has passed since the time of the original, common ancestor language that the three languages bear practically no resemblance to each other at all. In fact, due to poor education in the Era of Scattering, the original language was almost completely lost. It would be the work of the Expert movement (a movement attempting to revive the ancient Expert philosophies and language) that would recover the old, lost documents, reconstruct the original language, etc.. Hmm... I seem to have ranted on and on for nothing at all... How many people actually bother to read this? :-P OK, better stop now... this stuff probably belongs more to my upcoming webpage for my conlang/conculture than to this list! ;-) T