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Re: Lexicon management

From:Scotto Hlad <scotto@...>
Date:Saturday, August 14, 2004, 2:26
Hi Remi,
I have arranged my lexicons for both Regimonti and Vistulan in separate
spread sheets. I have various columns and I can sort in either the conlang
or in English. I can search for any word or meaning.
Hope that helps

> -----Original Message----- > From: Constructed Languages List [mailto:CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU]On > Behalf Of Remi Villatel > Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 6:56 PM > To: CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU > Subject: Lexicon management > > > Hi everybody, > > For those who already have a somewhat big lexicon, how do you manage it? > > For the moment, I only have 1939 entries in my unidirectional > lexicon (from > Shaquelingua to French) and it's already a total mess! > > To translate everything in English for my English-only site isn't the > problem. The big problem is to reverse it to build the French/English to > Shaquelingua part. > > Almost each Shaquelingua entry has at least 2 English translations... and > the reverse part will be the same: many English entries will have several > Shaquelingua translation. > > And there is more! There are examples, hints about the use, the > grammatical > type of the words, their role in a sentence, sometimes their level of > speech, the associated postposition... And I didn't even > mentioned that some > English translations are composed of several words amongst which > ones I must > decide which one will be used to sort this entry. > > For the moment, Google isn't my friend; it didn't help me much... Neither > did the list archives. Well, I didn't dig very deeply but it > doesn't matter. > > Now, I intend to write my own tool to suit my very special needs > but, first, > I'm asking: What do you use to handle your bilingual lexicon? I'm very > interested, especially if it works on Linux... and if it takes care of the > conversion into HTML too. But maybe am I asking too much? ;-) > > ji ka