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Re: CHAT: living conditions/conditionally Re: Miscellaneous Nonsense

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Friday, August 18, 2000, 14:01
zHANg wrote:

> Sounds like my living situation, except I describe it more like this: > "a jailcell-sized residential hotel room." > In a space approximately 16 feet by 10, I have a bed, a chest of drawers, > a colour TV (on a nightstand) and a folding table that serves as my desk - > besides small sink, a snack fridge, and a double burner stove. (I also have > tons of books and a large music instrument - a custom-made metallophone).
Hm. I just moved to a student room approximately 13ft x 13ft (excl bathroom). And yet I somehow manage to fit a bed/sofa, a nightstand, a chest of drawers, a bookcase on top of those drawers, another bookcase, yet another bookcase, my TV, my computer, a table, a desk, bookshelves above the desk, two wardrobes, a fridge/freezer, a stove/oven and a sink. Still, I think it's quite a space fest here. Don't ask me why. I guess it's a well-planned apartment. Though, if I'm having parties with more than nine people, I'm gonna have a problem. ;) ObConlang: Perhaps I could take the first letter of those nine people's first names and make them the phoneme inventory of YACL. :) Daniel