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Re: IntroductionThanks for the welcome to Conlang. I am very glad I was told about i

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Friday, May 23, 2003, 3:41
>I have to say, I may not be able to stay on if it goes into another huge >batch of off-topic discussion--it literally took me hours to wade through >it, the >first few days I was on. >I am now ruthlessly deleting all offtopic messages without reading >them--many >are interesting in themselves, but I just don't have time to deal with >them: >I am on several other lists; before joining conlang it took up to an hour a >day to keep up--reading all conlang messages doubled that). Fortunately, >the >proportion of relevant material has increased since the survey and I hope >it will >stay that way.
Welcome. I doubt there is any list which has a large body of subscribers on which I even attempt to read all the posts. I tend to delete entries to threads which have no interest to me, whether OT or not, sampling periodically along a thread to see if the focus has shifted to something of interest to me.
>About myself and my conlangs: I am 53 years old, and began creating my >first >major conlang in 1962 when I was12. (Sara in her paper at Kalamazoo noted >many
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