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Just an old-fashioned question

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Saturday, May 1, 2004, 13:15
I have a question about the English adj.
old-fashioned.  In my usage it (about equally often)
implies either "old, out-of-sytle and/or
no-longer-useful" or
 In other words, it has either a negative OR a
positive connotation.

Her style is very old-fashioned. = She's out of step
with the times and needs to up-date her look.

All I want is some old-fashioned service. = No one
today remembers how to give proper service, so I want
it they way it used to be done.

Now, when I looked old-fashioned up in my Spanish
dictionary it gives

anticuado, de modo pasado

My first reaction is "Those both cary a negative
connotation."  Of course I don't know that for sure.
My dictionary doesn't say.  So my question is CAN
either of them carry a positive connotation?

Part of the problem is that the English cognate,
antiquated really is negative.  I can't think of a
positive-connotation usage for it.  _De modo pasado_
doesn't sound particularly friendly to the poor past

Latin has _priscus_ and _antiquus_ which according to
their definitions look like both may have had a rather
positive feel.

What about other Romance or European languages.  How
do they express "old-fashioned" in the good or longing


Indjindrud edjuebu ul Azor ad ul Sadoc. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Sadoc ad ul Acim.
Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acim ad ul Eliud. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliud ad ul
Eleazar. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eleazar ad ul Matan. Indjindrud ul Matan ad ul
Jagovu. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jagovu ad ul Jozevu ul maridu djal Maja dji fin
ninadud ul Jezu fin nicuamad Cristu.

Machu 1:14-16


Joe <joe@...>
Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>
David Barrow <davidab@...>