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Re: Conlangs in the press!

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Friday, February 20, 2004, 7:19
In a message dated 2004:02:19 07:41:20 PM, ijzeren_jan@YAHOO.CO.UK writes:

>Today I received a copy of the Polish magazine "Wiedza i Zycie", the >monthly scientific appendix to one of Poland's largest newspapers, >the "Gazeta Wyborcza". It contains an article by Dorota Gut about several >constructed languages (well-known to us) under the title "Nowa Mowa" >(New
language). [...]
>Personally I like the style of it: it is written with humour and with >respect for our creations at the same time.
Just a couple of months ago, I happened to been talking with a Polish trade unionist and part-time science-&-arts journalist visiting here in the states. He asked me if I was working on a language since I had several languages' dictionaries and grammar books with me and my caffeine&nicotine at a cafe in the People's Republic of Berkeley, CA. An urgent page from his American girlfriend cut our wonderfully mangled polyglottic chatter tragically short. I didn't "get" his name either... What's with Poles, languages and a "pro-conlang attitude" o_0? You'd think the Swiss would be more like this...AFAIK the Dutch are pretty close to having a "pro-conlang attitude" ;)
> [...] If one of the authors of >the languages above has noticed a drastic increase in the number of >visitors of his pages, this is probably the reason.
::envious glare at lucky overwhelmed ones:: Ah to be that frikkin' lucky! --- º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º º°`°º ø,¸~-> Hanuman "Mister Sinister" Zhang, Sloth-Style Gungfu Typist - "the sloth is a chinese poet upsidedown" --- Jack Kerouac {1922-69} "We don't read & write poetry because it's cute. We read & write poetry because we are members of the human race. & the human race is filled with passion. & medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits & necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." - Robin Williams, _Dead Poet's Society_ "Chance is the inner rhythm of the world, & the soul of poetry." - Miguel de Unamuno "One thing foreigners, computers, & poets have in common is that they make unexpected linguistic associations." --- Jasia Reichardt "There is no reason for the poet to be limited to words, & in fact the poet is most poetic when inventing languages. Hence the concept of the poet as 'language designer'." --- O. B. Hardison, Jr. "La poésie date d' aujour d'hui." (Poetry dates from today) "La poésie est en jeu." (Poetry is in play) --- Blaise Cendrars = ¡ gw'araa legooset caacaa ! ¡ reez'arvaa. saalvaa. reecue. scoopaa-goomee en reezijcloo ! = [Fight Linguistic Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!]