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Re: Phoneme winnowing continues

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Friday, June 6, 2003, 17:57

"Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...> writes:
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 08:00:09PM +0200, Henrik Theiling wrote rubbish: > > The middle C-cluster can only be /nt/, /ts/, /Nk/ and /kx/. > > Why can /x/ not appear by itself in the middle?
Erm, it can. All consonants can appear alone. The restrictions are for clusters only. Sorry.
> It appears from your description that each glyph represents *two* > syllables, yes?
The word/glyph structure is C(j)V(C(C(V(C)))) So the shortest word is CV, the longest CjVCCVC. Each glyph is one word made up of one or two syllables.
> > The palatalisation of the first syllable is marked with a dot in the > > right uppermost square, I think. > > What about palatalization of the second syllable? (As in "Tyl Sjok", if > it's written as a single glyph, but perhaps it's not because it's two > words?)
Tyl Sjok are two words and two glyphs. 'Tylsjok' is not a valid word in Tyl Sjok. :-) The reason for the constraint that only the first can have palatalisation is that it is stressed more. The second one is less errm, heavy, maybe, and does not allow all features. Graphics soon, I worked until 3:15am yesterday (=today, technically), but it's still not satifactory. Probably today. :-) **Henrik


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>