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R: Re: R: An Unknown Conlang

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Friday, July 7, 2000, 19:34
> >French - never studied it, so I have to translate it - wow, > >learning a new language reading about a conlang! > > Which means that at least you find that north Italian dialects are rather > close to standard French, I take it. I might be able to do the same with > Dutch, but I've known Swedish, German and Norwegian all my life, and > English almost all my life...
It's not exactly. The fact's that I don't have problems to read other romance langs. I understand them simply, even because there are many intuitive phonetic rules that help you to pass from a language to another one. What's more French spelling helps a lot because, fortunately, it's not phonemic and it represents how the language was spoken 400 yrs ago, so, if you know Latin, there are not great troubles to find out what the words mean. Luca.