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Stress marking (was: Re: CONLANG Digest - 14 Oct2000(maglangs plea!))

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Friday, October 20, 2000, 5:08
From: "Nik Taylor"

> ObConlang: How receptive are your conlangs to borrowings? Utakassí > generally prefers calques to loans, altho it wasn't always like that. > Proto-Kassi-Plia borrowed a *lot* of foreign words, including the > numbers 7-12.
Like Utakassí, Géarthnuns prefers to calque. However, if the calque infuses the term with too much Géarthnuns cultural baggage, the loan is opted for. This often occurs with food terms. For example, one could translate "vichissoise" as "fpetönamvabs shtöb (fransélatöib)", "cold (French) potato soup". It's clunky, and without the "French", it sounds like it could be a Géarthtörs dish. So, "víçíswazlats", indicating precisely the French concept. Nuts and bolts words as loans would send the Géarthçins shreiking into the horizon; they are very proud of their 'pure' linguistic heritage. Kou